Frame the Future – Photography Competition | OneHub Southwark

Frame the Future – Photography Competition

Showcase Your Creativity and Win Big!

Are you a young person aged 11–19 (up to 25 for those with additional needs) living in Southwark?

Are passionate about photography or do you just enjoy taking snaps?

Do you want to showcase your perspective on Southwark and the experiences of young people in your community?

Would you like the chance to win a prize for you , or your youth project and have your work exhibited in Southwark?

If the answer to this is yes then enter the Frame the Future Photography Competition .

What are we looking for?

We’re looking for images that capture your experience of Southwark Youth Services and your unique perspective on the community.

You can submit as an individual or through your youth centre as a group, with two categories available:

  • Impactful Work: Powerful images that tell a story or provoke thought.
  • Commercial Use: High-quality images that could represent Southwark Youth Services in promotional materials.

The choice is yours!

So what next?

  1. Click on and read the terms and conditions Southwark Youth Photography Competition Terms and Conditions | OneHub Southwar
  2. Think about what you want to capture
  3. Get your phone or camera out and start snapping
  4. Upload your best pictures via the following Image competition | OneHub Southwar


The competition closes on the 21st March, so getting snapping and who knows you may be a winner.



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