One Hub Photo Competition - Submission form
Hi, please use the form below to submit your photographs for the competition.
Before completing the form, please make sure you have read the terms and conditions fully, which can be found at (Southwark Youth Photography Competition Terms and Conditions | OneHub Southwark). You will be asked to confirm this in the form.
If you need help completing the form, or if you have any questions or queries please contact
Privacy Statement
Southwark Council will collect and record your answers to this form. We will collect and securely store your data electronically and only give access to people who are authorised to use it. The information will be collated purely for the purpose of managing the competition and for statistical data to report on the outcome. We will keep this data for the reasons given above and destroy it securely after one year.
If you have any questions about how we will use your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer by email or telephone 0207 525 5000.
More detailed information is available on our website and from the Information Commissioner's Office at
This information will be retained by the London Borough of Southwark and will not passed on to any third parties. You may withdraw this request at anytime.